Chem-Set Adhesive Color Pigment - 2oz Pump Dispenser, 32-pc Kit w/ Carry Case
Stone Seam’s forgiving formula and easy to use COLOR MATCH TOOL takes the guess work out of matching your stone! Find hundreds of available matches, both by color name or manufacturer to fit your exact needs. See Stone Seam Sell Sheet for more info.
Colors included in this kit are:
- Arctic/Winter
- Beach
- Beige
- Brilliant
- Buff
- Butter
- Canvas
- Caramel
- Chocolate
- Cocoa
- Cream
- Dune
- Fawn
- Fire
- Latte
- Lava
- Marble
- Mesa
- Midnight
- Misty
- Mocha
- Natural
- Newport
- Pearl
- Pewter
- Prairie
- Shale
- Slate
- Sonora
- Stone
- Thunder
- Willow
C-TINT2OZ-CS-32KIT _productIds
1704271000086253154,1704271000086253110,1704271000086253088,1704271000086191015,1704271000086192065,1704271000086192029,1704271000086191149,1704271000086191171,1704271000086191215,1704271000086191193,1704271000086191259,1704271000086191721 Choose Quantity
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