Levi Sink Co
Serving the granite & quartz industry since 2005.

Large Single Bowl - 18g V Series ADA sink

Overall: 32-1/8" x 18" x 5-1/2"
Inside: 30-1/8" x 16" x 5-1/2"

18 Gauge

CLICK HERE FOR REVEAL DXF FILE: https://www.levisinkco.com/DXF Files/S-LSB105-VS-ADA-reveal.dxf

CLICK HERE FOR OVERHANG DXF FILE: https://www.levisinkco.com/DXF Files/S-LSB105-VS-ADA-overhang.dxf

Grid: A-GRD-S-LSB105-VS

Flange Available: A-FLG-NK

Strainer Available: A-STR-NK or A-STR-DLX
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