SuperAbrasive 5" Snail Lock Polish Disc Copper Bond, GlossFire, 30 Grit
GlossFire Flat Edge Polishing System is developed exclusively for automated wet-polishing multi-head machines using the snail lock adaptor. It is perfect for machines manufactured by Marmo Meccanica, USG Machinery, Park Industries, Comandulli, Sasso Meccanica, Breton, CMPI and Montresor.
Suggested GlossFire Flat Edge Application Data
Recommended feed speed for our GlossFire discs is 25in/65cm/minute with a pressure of 2 bars (30 psi) and an increase
of 0.2 (3 psi) at each step. Start with grit 200 if you have a good cut-off and a five step machine.
T-SNAILLOCK-50030-CBGF _productIds
1704271000071827057,1704271000071844019,1704271000071827025,1704271000071827038,1704271000071827106,1704271000071827068,1704271000071827087,1704271000071827144 Choose Quantity